30 Startling Ways Vicks VapoRub Can Solve Your Health And Beauty Problems

Feel a sniffle or a stuffy nose coming on? You probably reach for Vicks VapoRub. And that’s a good idea, as the menthol-rich formula is a winner when it comes to clearing sinuses and soothing the symptoms of colds. But the tried-and-tested ointment is actually more versatile than you think! If you rub it on your feet at night, you’re sure to reap the benefits come morning. Here’s why that weird trick works – along with 29 other handy tips that you should definitely know about.

30. It relieves earache

Earache is an extremely common ailment and is usually nothing to worry about. That being said, it’s always best to check with a doctor that the discomfort is not being caused by anything too serious. If the pain isn’t a symptom of an underlying problem, then it’s possible to treat it at home. And yep, you guessed it, VapoRub may well be the perfect product.

If you want to keep earache at bay, simply apply some VapoRub onto a cotton ball and place it into the opening of your ear. Those who swear by the tip recommend leaving it there for a few hours in order to ease the pain. Plus, you can repeat the process until the discomfort subsides. And the extra piece of good news is that the lotion will also help to prevent infection. What a bonus!

29. It fights acne

The American Academy of Dermatology claims that as many as 50 million people in the U.S. deal with acne each year – and they’re not all teenagers, either. Many of us have pimples well into adulthood, and we yearn for that magic bullet to get rid of them once and for all. If that sounds like you, then perhaps you should try Vicks VapoRub.

VapoRub’s ingredient list includes camphor and eucalyptus, which both have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Together, they can soothe your skin, calm inflammation and neutralize an unclear complexion. Though you should be cautious if you try this tip, as for some VapoRub causes more breakouts. That’s because it contains petroleum jelly – a product meant to keep skin moisturized.

28. It eases joint pain

According to the family medicine specialist Pauline Jose, MD, VapoRub can be used as a painkiller on aching joints. In November 2020 she told the beauty website Byrdie, “It works as an analgesic as it works on the nerve endings.” And to feel its effects, it seems all you have to do is rub it onto the areas that are causing you trouble.

One common condition that VapoRub is known to ease is “tennis elbow.” Yes, the menthol and camphor in the lotion work wonders at soothing pain. But while the seemingly magic ointment may temporarily put the injury to the back of your mind, it’s still best to seek medical advice for a more long-term solution. It can prove problematic if left alone, you see!

27. It removes eye makeup

Some eye makeup can be pretty stubborn to remove. But fear not, because VapoRub makes light work of it! Just place some on a cotton pad and gently wipe across your skin to leave it feeling fresh and clean. We do have a word of warning, though. Take care to avoid the eye itself, as the solution can sometimes cause stinging in sensitive areas.

To err on the side of caution, make sure you apply only a small amount of VapoRub to your pad. And if some does come into contact with your eye, rinse it thoroughly with a saline solution or some clean water. Given the risks, then, this hack is probably best left for emergencies only!

26. It aids breathing when used in a humidifier

Lots of people use humidifiers to prevent their rooms from becoming too dry – a problem that can cause irritation to the throat, skin, lips and nose. But did you know that these nifty devices can also be used to help relieve the symptoms of a common cold? And guess what? Adding some VapoRub can enhance their effectiveness!

To tap into this hack, first find out whether your humidifier comes with an aromatherapy compartment. If it does, simply pop a scoop of Vicks into the chamber and voila! Now you’ll be able to breathe easily throughout the day and night without lifting a finger. And....relax.

25. It calms itchy skin

Believe it or not, but the cool menthol action of VapoRub helps soothe itchy skin, too. And according to anecdotes online, the wonder product can even be used to remedy prickles from poison ivy. If applied to the affected area, VapoRub apparently settles irritation and reduces redness after just a few hours.

We know what you’re wondering: what’s in VapoRub that makes it so good at clearing up a reaction to poison ivy? Well, the camphor and menthol that it contains actually work to stimulate the nerves in the skin. The powerful ingredients overload the receptors, causing them to temporarily shut down. And just like that, the itching sensation is numbed. Pretty smart stuff if you ask us!

24. It helps to unsettle splinters

There are few things more annoying in life than getting a painful splinter that’s seemingly impossible to remove. But there’s good news. You can put down those tweezers and avoid causing damage to your skin. Instead, why not try this VapoRub hack to coax the pesky fragment out from where it’s burrowed?

What’s most impressive about this splinter-removing hack is that it requires very little effort on your part. Simply clean the affected area before rubbing in some VapoRub and covering with a bandaid. Leave the lotion to work its magic, and after a few hours, the foreign body should have worked itself free. You can thank us later.

23. It masks bad smells

As we all know, some of life’s bad smells are simply unavoidable. Take a baby’s diaper, for example. Or taking out the trash. While you may not be able to banish unpleasant odors like these completely, you can mask them. Just reach for your trusty tub of Vicks VapoRub, of course!

Yes, this hack is especially perfect for those who have an extra-sensitive sense of smell – or gag reflex, for that matter. Simply smother a helping of VapoRub under your nose until you’re out the way of the foul stench. Problem solved! Plus, if you can’t get enough of Vicks’ fragrance, you could even try making your own air freshener.

22. It treats cooking burns

We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of cooking up a feast when you brush your arm on a hot pan. The searing pain goes right through you, and you run straight for the cold tap. But there’s another step you can take to help soothe the pain for longer. Simply apply a layer of Vicks VapoRub.

Using VapoRub on minor kitchen burns after running them under cold water will help to soothe the sting. It can then be applied twice a day to the affected area, as the ointment’s anti-inflammatory properties will help with the healing process. That said, always seek medical help if you think that your burn is more serious.

21. It moisturizes the face

You’ve probably never thought to use VapoRub as a facial moisturizer. But the product can apparently work wonders on chapped or dry skin! And it can be particularly effective in the winter months when our complexions need an extra boost. Yes, the wonder product should leave your skin feeling soft and smelling fresh.

There are some skin types that may react badly to a layer of VapoRub, though. If you’re more prone to spots or clogged pores, for instance, doctors advise against applying the ointment. Speaking to Healthline, Dr. Mitchell Manway said the product “isn’t appropriate to be used on the face due to the thick, greasy vehicle that can easily clog pores and promote the cascade of further acne.” So, be sure to tread cautiously before slathering it on your skin.

20. It moisturizes a dry scalp

Perhaps you’re having a bad reaction to a new shampoo, or maybe you’re just getting older. Regardless of the reason, you have a dry scalp, which isn’t just uncomfortable, but also aesthetically displeasing. No one wants flakes of dead skin appearing on their head, after all.

Luckily, you can quench a dry scalp with the help of Vicks VapoRub, as the petroleum and eucalyptus contained within the ointment help make it an effective salve. Shortly before bed, simply work a thin layer of VapoRub over the driest areas of your head, then sleep with it in place.

19. It hastens the healing of bruises

Did you know that it typically takes about two weeks for a bruise to fade away? We certainly didn’t! But you’ll no doubt remember how your last bruise seemed to go through all the colors of the rainbow as it healed. That’s because blood is slowly being reabsorbed into your body, although the process doesn’t always look pretty.

So, if you don’t want to wait around and watch your bruise turn a gross hue, turn to Vicks VapoRub. The product’s menthol will both cool down the area and help with the pain that came with your initial injury. Neat! The camphor in the VapoRub will tamp down the inflammation, too. And, altogether, these effects speed up the healing process. Can’t say better than that.

18. It plumps chapped lips

Ever wondered how your skin looks so moisturized and plump – even when you’ve been out in the sun all summer long? Well, it’s all because of oil glands. These aren’t contained in your lips, though, and this explains why wintery weather and sun exposure can cause your kisser to get chapped or dry. But don’t spend your hard-earned cash on fancy balms or lotions! Just rummage inside your medicine cabinet and reach for Vicks VapoRub.

A very thin coating of VapoRub can give your lips the hydration they need to plump back up. You can also use the menthol-rich salve to soothe painful or split areas. Regardless of why you’re applying the ointment, though, be sure to use only a tiny amount. Also, avoid eating any of it – even if you think it tastes delish.

17. It disinfects minor cuts

It’s not often you suffer from a sizable cut that needs bandages or stitches. But small scrapes, splinters and other scratches? Those happen all of the time. And while you may leave them to close up on their own, you can use Vicks VapoRub to help the process go even more smoothly.

For one thing, VapoRub has antiseptic qualities, meaning it can clean out your wound and keep infections at bay. It should also help speed up the healing process, and anyone who’s had a painful paper cut will know that hastening its disappearance is ideal.

16. It tackles nail fungus

Sadly, our nails tend to get drier and more brittle as we age, and any cracks that appear as a result can allow fungus to intrude. This in turn leads to some unpleasant side effects: nails may become thicker, turn yellowish-brown, change shape or even give off an off-putting scent. But if this has happened to you – regardless of how old you are – reach for a jar of Vicks VapoRub.

After you’ve scooped up some VapoRub, apply it to the affected area. You may notice that your nail goes dark afterward, but that’s actually a good thing. It means the VapoRub – or more specifically, its antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredient thymol – has killed off the fungus. And from then on, you should hopefully have no more problems.

15. It relaxes achy muscles

Perhaps you’re a marathon runner who trains intensively; maybe, on the other hand, you sit in a less-than-ergonomic desk chair for eight hours a day. Either way, you come home and your muscles ache. To dull some of the pain, then, you should reach for your trusted jar of Vicks VapoRub.

Applying VapoRub to the affected area will quickly soothe your pain as it promotes circulation, which gets the muscles back to normal. The rub – complete with the active ingredients camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol – has even been proven to relieve moderate cases of myalgia and could potentially work for arthritis. And there’s yet another added benefit: the eucalyptus contained within the product may assist in boosting your immune system!

14. It cools sunburn

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over 33 percent of Americans claim to get sunburn each year – and if you’re among them, you know just how aggravating the condition can be. Your skin aches, pulsates and can even feel hot to the touch. But while you may be tempted to reach for the aloe for relief, just know that VapoRub does the job, too.

Applying a layer of VapoRub will have the same effect as aloe, in fact, as you’ll be able to feel how it quickly cools the surface of your skin. And if that’s not enough, the ointment can also neutralize the redness. So, slather VapoRub on this time, and be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen in the future.

13. It removes stubborn lipstick

According to a 2004 survey by Mintel, more than 80 percent of women in America sport lipstick – many on a daily basis. But as any make-up aficionado will know, a long-lasting formula that stays put through drinking and eating can be tough to take off before you head to bed.

Let’s say you’ve wiped off your lipstick, but a hint of the color still lingers. If that’s the case, then slather a thin layer of VapoRub over the unwanted stain and leave it in place for five minutes. After that, you should be able to wipe off your make-up with ease. And as an added bonus, you’ll have moisturized your pout, too.

12. It banishes belly fat

Slimming creams are designed to help the body burn excess fat – alongside exercise, of course. But did you know that Vicks VapoRub can be used in a similar way to over-the-counter weight-loss lotions? Mind you, there is a little more preparation involved. Simply slathering it onto your skin won’t do you any favors. Trust.

Here’s what you need to do instead. First, combine a tablespoon of crushed camphor tablets with the same amount of baking soda and alcohol. After that, add around half a jar of VapoRub and stir to make a paste. Next time you’re getting ready to workout, rub some on your tummy and cover with plastic wrap. Then when you are done, rehydrate your cells by simply rinsing off the solution with plenty of water. Easy when you know how, eh?

11. It diminishes warts

While your skin may have come in contact with the virus responsible for causing warts many months ago, that doesn’t matter. This is because a bump can still form on your skin even after that much time has passed. And once a wart appears, it can take years to vanish on its own without any intervention.

Yet Vicks VapoRub aficionados swear by the stuff as DIY wart relief. And if you want to follow in their lead, simply apply a touch of the ointment to the affected area, then cover it with a bandage. But proceed with caution, as experts have yet to weigh in on this remedy – and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for help, either.

10. It repels insects

Summer may be the season that beckons us all outdoors, but it’s not a pleasant experience when we have to deal with bugs – especially mosquitoes. If you feel like you’ve tried every insect repellent on the shelves without any relief from bites and stings, however, then dab a bit of VapoRub onto yourself before leaving the house.

VapoRub works wonders as an insect repellent as it contains cedar leaf oil – something that many pests can’t stand. So, put a bit of the product on your legs, arms, neck, ankles and other exposed skin before returning to enjoying life outside in summer and beyond.

9. It dulls hemorrhoid pain

Hemorrhoids hurt, and sometimes you may not have the right remedy on hand to soothe such a sensitive spot. Just know, though, that you can always reach for Vicks VapoRub for relief. Take a generous dab of the menthol-laden ointment and layer it over the area to dull the pain and itchiness you feel.

But however effective it may be, VapoRub is only a temporary solution and won’t get rid of the discomfort in the long term. So, if you’ve been persistently annoyed by hemorrhoids, a visit to the doctor’s office may be required for more professional and personalized treatment.

8. It tightens skin to fight wrinkles

It’s no secret that skincare products can cost a lot of money – with no guarantee that they’ll live up to the hype. And then there’s Vicks VapoRub, which costs a fraction of what you’d pay for a fancy face cream and makes zero promises about its wrinkle-fighting abilities.

Yet VapoRub can make skin brighter and tighter after just a night’s wear – especially on the fine lines that appear on your neck and chest. And while speaking to the Daily Mail in 2009, pharmacist Shabir Daya explained why the ointment works so well. She revealed, “It is the combination of menthol and camphor that have a tightening effect on the skin.”

7. It softens stretch marks

Stretch marks are part of life and often mark an incredible milestone – carrying a baby, anyone? Still, you may want to soften the look of these jagged lines, and you can do so with a helping of Vicks VapoRub. According to a 2016 article in the Daily Mail, some who’ve slathered the product onto their skin have reported that their marks diminished by 60 to 100 percent after just a week of usage.

But maybe that shouldn’t come as a surprise, as VapoRub has a slew of ingredients that work together to mute stretch marks’ appearance. The combination of camphor, eucalyptus oil, cedar leaf oil, petrolatum and turpentine oil softens the skin and makes it seem less dry – a boon if you want to wave goodbye to those tell-tale scars.

6. It makes a sinus-clearing shower bomb

As you know, Vicks VapoRub is a great tool in the fight against congestion. You also may be aware that breathing in hot shower steam can help relieve the sensation of stuffiness. So, just imagine how good it’d feel to combine these two remedies – and get to work on a DIY shower bomb to make it happen.

To make this sinus-clearing wonder, you only need three tablespoons of VapoRub, a half-cup of cornstarch and two tablespoons of water. Firstly, put the ointment into a bowl, then add the cornstarch and, finally, the water. After that, form the resulting paste into balls and leave these out overnight to harden. Then pop one of these balls onto the shower floor and let the whole chamber fill with soothing fumes.

5. It softens coughs… if you put it on your feet

Any Vicks VapoRub aficionado can tell you that the stuff helps to soothe coughs and colds. You just have to rub some onto your chest and breathe in deeply, right? Well, that’s true enough, but some pioneering users have come to realize that it’s not just an upper-body-only remedy.

When you next have an irritating cough, then, try applying VapoRub to the bottoms of your feet before sliding into socks. And while that idea may sound a little odd, don’t rule it out completely. According to some people, slathering the ointment on this part of the body still tells your throat to stop tickling. Apparently, your chest will loosen up a bit, too.

4. It calms eczema and rosacea

We know that Vicks VapoRub can quell some of your acne breakouts and redness. But that’s not the only inflammation your skin can face – as you’ll know if you’ve been diagnosed with eczema or rosacea. Luckily, you can use the over-the-counter remedy to clear up these skin conditions, too.

VapoRub’s eucalyptus and camphor are, of course, both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The salve’s ingredients also improve the skin’s appearance and dull any discomfort you may feel from rosacea or eczema. Though you should apply the VapoRub to only a small section of the skin at first to ensure that it doesn’t react badly. Then, if you’re good to go, feel free to layer the product onto your face and experience the relief.

3. It boosts hair growth

Four of Vicks VapoRub’s ingredients are said to promote hair growth. Lavender apparently boosts blood flow around the follicles, as does eucalyptus, which also fights a dry scalp. At the same time, menthol rids the scalp of irritants, while camphor boosts circulation – thus helping stronger strands to grow.

As such, some people swear by VapoRub to give their locks a helping hand. Yet while experts do acknowledge that bettering blood flow to the head can, indeed, inspire improved hair growth, VapoRub is apparently pretty unlikely to make a substantial difference.

2. It moisturizes dry feet

Your feet can dry out for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps you’ve taken a lot of hot baths, for instance, or spent too much time in a humidity-free environment. You may even have athlete’s foot – a fungal infection that can cause skin to get sore, flaky and, yes, dehydrated.

Fortunately, you can rely on VapoRub to help you. As the ointment’s formula includes petroleum jelly, applying it to the skin should help lock in moisture. VapoRub even includes antimicrobials that can kill off the bacteria responsible for your athlete’s foot.

1. It relieves headaches and migraines

Do you look to VapoRub to get rid of colds and congestion? Well, you’re definitely not alone! Vicks markets the stuff as a quick remedy for these ailments, in fact. But there’s another long-touted benefit of VapoRub you may not be aware of. Basically, it can help treat headaches and even migraines, which is good news for plenty of folks up and down the U.S.

If you struggle with migraines, then, you’ve probably popped more than a few Advil in your time. You may even have had shots, used nasal sprays or resorted to Botox injections – all just to keep that horrific pain at bay. What you may not have tried, however, is VapoRub. That’s right! The household staple can apparently help banish migraines when they come on. Just take a dollop of Vicks and massage it into your temples. The ointment’s soothing menthol scent and lovely coolness will battle against your head pressure and dull that pain.

So, VapoRub has a multitude of handy uses – and some of them may have proved surprising. But did you know that there’s a completely natural solution to many of your health woes? And, in fact, you’ve probably been underestimating the humble aloe vera plant all these years, as it’s not just good for alleviating sunburn.

Aloe vera is a kind of succulent that originally comes from the Arabian Peninsula. But it can also now be found in arid and tropical climates across the globe. It has many uses in medicine and agriculture, though many green-fingered individuals use the species simply as decoration because it grows well as a house plant.

Many of us will already be familiar with aloe vera; after all, extracts of the plant are used in a number of everyday products. These include tissues, soaps, makeup, moisturizers and sunscreens. Yet what is less known about the plant is its unique composition and how that has been harnessed over the centuries.

Aloe vera is around 95 percent water, though the other five percent of the plant contains large amounts of healthy enzymes. Furthermore, it has 200 so-called bioactive compounds: including vitamins, amino acids, minerals and polysaccharides. And these components help the body absorb nutrients.

Aloe vera is also rich in magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, and iron. The plant has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can reportedly aid the immune system and remove toxins from the body. As a result, it has been used as a health supplement for thousands of years.

The ancient Egyptians called aloe vera “the plant of immortality” and it was used by the civilization 6,000 years ago. It’s believed that they valued the juices of the plant for its nourishing qualities. Aloe was considered sacred by the Egyptians, who thought its “blood” was the elixir of health and beauty.

Ancient Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra are thought to have made use of aloe vera in their daily skincare regimes. At the time, the plant was inextricably linked to beauty. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities of aloe were recorded by the Egyptians in 1,550 BC.

However, the ancient Egyptians regarded aloe not only for its cosmetic uses but for its spiritual ones as well. They apparently made further use of the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities of aloe vera by using the plant to embalm the dead – believing that stopping physical decomposition would lead to eternal life.

So prized was aloe vera in ancient Egypt that people would present dead pharaohs with the plant at their funerals. The offering was so valuable that a person’s wealth and regard for the king were displayed in the amount of aloe that he gave. So no doubt, the more plant a man presented, the better he was deemed to be.

For the Mahometans of Egypt, aloe vera was symbolic of religion. They would hang motifs of the plant above their doors in a bid to protect them from evil influences and slander. Similarly, the ancient Mesopotamians believed that aloe had the power to expel demons.

In fact, it was the Mesopotamian people who were responsible for one of the earliest recorded uses of aloe vera – which dates from approximately 2,200 BC. They had documented the plant on clay boards found in the ancient city of Nippur. In Mesopotamia, aloe vera was known for its cleansing effect on the intestines. But it was also said to possess the power to exorcise illness-causing demons.

For his part, Alexander the Great was said to have traveled through Asia with carts of planted aloe vera in tow. The plant was valued for its apparent medicinal qualities at the time, and the ancient King of Macedon relied on aloe juice to treat the wounds his soldiers sustained in battle. Apparently, Aristotle persuaded Alexander to invade the island of Socotra in modern-day Yemen just so he could gain possession of the aloe groves there.

Elsewhere, aloe vera has been used in Chinese medicine for nearly 800 years. The plant is believed to have the ability to drain downwards in the body and is therefore used as a treatment for constipation. Furthermore, practitioners of Chinese medicine also believe that aloe has the ability to detoxify the liver.

So as we’ve seen, aloe vera’s detoxifying powers have long made the plant a much-used natural remedy. Sebastian Pole is a herbalism expert and co-founder of the supplement company Pukka Herbs. And in March 2019 he explained the purifying properties of aloe vera to Marie Claire.

During Pole’s interview with the magazine, he explained the science behind the plant’s powers. The expert said, “Aloe vera juice is crammed full of amino acids, vitamins and minerals – making it one of nature’s most effective cleansers. It can help strengthen digestion and rid the body of any nasty waste, thus detoxifying the body naturally.”

Pole then revealed some more of aloe vera’s many reported benefits. He said, “Its main property is to be soothing, cooling and moistening. [This] helps to clear inflammatory and irritating heat, such as in menopause, plus inflammatory skin and digestive problems – such as acne, rosacea and IBS.”

Aloe vera is cited by some as a wonder plant with the ability to aid all kinds of ailments even to this day. Throughout the centuries, it has been used to treat over 50 medical conditions: including dermatitis, burns, acne, obesity, diabetes, ulcers and asthma. Moreover, the plant has even been used to medicate leprosy.

While aloe vera has been used in cosmetic and health treatments for millennia, there is still little clinical evidence to attest to the plant’s effectiveness or safety. Though with a number of possible benefits, people continue to use aloe in their everyday lives. Nevertheless, you may wish to consult a doctor before use.

So, despite a lack of solid evidence to its effectiveness, aloe vera continues to be one of the most popular natural remedies on the planet. It is used as a juice which is cold-pressed from the rind of the plant. Alternatively, aloe vera can come as a gel, which comes from the innermost layer of the plant’s distinctive triangular leaves.

Aloe vera gel is often applied topically to the skin to help with various issues. One of the most common uses of the plant is perhaps the treatment of sunburn. Aloe gel can be used to cool burned skin and even help to heal the affected area thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

And there’s some science to back up the claim that aloe vera can help to treat sunburn. The plant’s gel contains polysaccharides, which are compounds that promote skin repair and skin cell renewal. Furthermore, the pain reliever carboxypeptidase is found in aloe vera gel – which could explain its ability to soothe the skin.

But the benefits that aloe vera may have on the skin go beyond the treatment of sunburn. In fact, some dermatologists have advised incorporating extracts of the plant into our daily skincare regimes for our faces. That’s because the minerals and vitamins within the plant can be used as a natural remedy to acne, aging and dark spots.

Cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist Joel Schlessinger explained how the plant treats the skin in a January 2019 interview with Prevention magazine. He said, “Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant known for its healing and medicinal properties. Its stems store water, creating a clear, gel-like substance in the leaves, which contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids.”

And while the benefits of aloe vera are yet to be proven, Schlessinger insisted that there’s some evidence that the plant can help certain ailments. He told Prevention, “… The biochemistry of aloe vera does have some anti-viral, anti-fungal, and cell-regenerative properties. So, applying it to the skin in addition to other medications or remedies may prove to be helpful.”

Some dermatologists believe that aloe vera gel is effective in relieving inflammation, which can exacerbate many skin conditions – including eczema and psoriasis. The compound acemannan is found in the plant and is known to prevent inflammation. As a result, aloe could help to relieve irritation, though a patch test is advisable before applying the gel to inflamed skin.

Given that aloe vera gel is largely made up of water, it also makes an excellent moisturizer. The plant extract has the ability to retain moisture, without making the skin feel greasy. In addition, it also helps the top layer of skin bind together – leading to a soft and smooth finish.

Not only can aloe vera gel moisturize skin, but it can also apparently help to fight acne. As well as having antibacterial properties, the plant also contains the exfoliant salicylic acid. This keeps pores clear and prevents spots and blackheads from forming. Moreover, aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory qualities work on the pesky oil glands that are responsible for acne.

Elsewhere, aloe vera can also be used to reduce the signs of aging. That’s because the plant encourages fibroblast activity, which in turn leads to increased collagen production and elastin fibers. Apparently, this can help to smooth out skin and make it more elastic. Aloe also contains zinc – which tightens pores – and antioxidants that combat the formation of free radicals.

Perhaps surprisingly, aloe vera is also used as a treatment for cold sores. Dermatologist David Lortscher explained to Prevention, “Aloe vera is an antiseptic, containing six agents known to help inhibit fungi, bacteria, and viruses, including salicylic acid, phenols, and sulfur.” The plant can also boost the immune system’s antibodies, and this helps the body to fight off the cold sore virus.

Given the soothing qualities of aloe vera, extracts of the plant are used in both homemade and shop-bought shaving creams. DIY recipes combine aloe gel with coconut oil to make for a more environmentally friendly formula, which is devoid of some of the toxic chemicals that are sometimes found in big-name shaving creams.

Another way that people have incorporated aloe vera into their beauty regimes is as a makeup remover. In one simple homemade recipe, aloe gel is combined with olive oil to create a gentle formula that is good for the skin but still has the power to remove stubborn cosmetics like mascara.

Maybe one of the more unexpected uses of aloe vera gel is in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – a digestive disorder which can cause heartburn. According to a review from 2010, the consumption of one to three ounces of gel with meals could help lower the severity of the condition. And given the low toxicity of aloe, it is a useful remedy for heartburn in general.

Aloe vera gel is said to be an effective natural alternative to mouthwash, too. A 2014 study in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences found that the plant’s ingredients – including vitamin C – created an effective barrier for plaque. Meanwhile, aloe vera gel can also alleviate swollen or bleeding gums.

However, it’s not just aloe vera gel that has benefits when it comes to health. The juice of the plant is also said to be advantageous – particularly to the immune system. As pole explained to Marie Claire, “Aloe vera is packed full of immune-boosting polysaccharides which help the immune system to behave properly.”

Pole added, “Too much inflammation in the body can cause problems within the immune system and can cause conditions like asthma, eczema and Crohn’s disease. Soothing herbs like aloe vera juice can slow the inflammatory cascade and help reorder the immune response to prevent these conditions.”

Furthermore, just one small spoonful of aloe vera juice could help to lower blood sugar quickly. Pole revealed to Marie Claire, “There is some evidence to suggest aloe vera lowers cholesterol and has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, meaning it can be useful for treating diabetes and obesity.”

According to Pole, aloe vera juice might also aid digestion. As a result, the herbalist advised people with stomach issues to bare the plant in mind, adding, “It’s worth trying for anyone who suffers with digestion problems like IBS. Its healing and soothing properties can help with the painful symptoms.”

In his interview with Marie Claire, Pole continued, “Aloe vera juice is packed with vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid. It’s also rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium and potassium.” In addition, he also revealed that some of the plant’s enzymes and vitamins contributed to healthy hair.

How much aloe vera to consume in order to experience all the aforementioned advantages depends on the potency of the product. However, Pole recommends ingesting three to six tablespoons of his company’s aloe vera once or twice every day. And while the plant’s powers are yet to be proven, there’s little risk in drinking aloe juice.

Pole told Marie Claire, “There are no negative side effects if you use a pure aloe vera inner leaf juice.” But the plant extract can lead to one unpleasant reaction. Pole explained, “If you use an aloe vera leaf product it may have high aloin levels, and aloin is a laxative which can cause diarrhea if too much is used.”